MetLife VisionAccess Program
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MetLife VisionAccess Program

VSP administers the MetLife VisionAccess Program, providing MetLife members with benefits for routine vision services and materials through VSP Choice Network providers.

The plan is a VSP Choice Access® plan with regional pricing on certain vision services and materials. Prices are determined regionally.

There are no authorizations or claims to file—just bill the patient directly after applying the appropriate benefits and regional prices available an unlimited number of times.


The MetLife VisionAccess Program is separate from MetLife Vision, although some members may be eligible for both. Be sure to check eligibility on eyefinity.com to see if the patient is also eligible for MetLife Vision. For details on administering the benefit, please see the MetLife Vision page.


  • Members who provide the program code MET2020* (or display an optional MetLife VisionAccess Program wallet card) during their office visit are eligible.
  • Eligibility for the MetLife VisionAccess Program is not available online—you won’t be able to obtain an authorization or file a claim with VSP.
  • If the patient has routine coverage available, please use that coverage first.
  • The savings are available when patients pay privately for services and materials; they aren’t combined with any other routine vision coverage.

ID Cards

ID cards are not required; however, some members may have optional MetLife VisionAccess Program wallet cards, sample as follows, with the program code MET2020.

MetLife VisionAccess Card

Claims/Billing & Reimbursement


There are no authorizations or claims to file—just bill the patient directly.

MetLife VisionAccess Regional Schedule

Download a printable regional schedule. Your region, as noted at the top of the report, determines the prices for the eye exam and lenses.

Exam Coverage

  • Charge patients 80% of U&C or the price listed in the MetLife VisionAccess Regional Schedule for your region, whichever is lower for eye exam.
  • Provide the level of exam needed to determine your patient's visual health status.
  • Savings only applies to services and procedures included in a WellVision Exam. It doesn't apply to additional diagnoses and treatment.

Materials Coverage

Eligible patients receive savings on frames, lenses, lens enhancements, and plano sunglasses. Use professional judgment when evaluating prescriptions from another doctor.

Please provide the following savings or regional pricing, when providing services to patients eligible for the MetLife VisionAccess Program.


  • Charge 75% of U&C for the retail price of the frame.


  • For all lenses, charge patients 80% of U&C or the price listed in the MetLife VisionAccess Regional Schedule for your region (see above).
  • Compare the fee and the regional price; charge the patient the lower of the two.
  • There are also region-specific prices for single vision, bifocal, and trifocal lenses. Refer to the MetLife VisionAccess Regional Schedule for your region (see above) to determine the appropriate pricing.

Regional Pricing

Charge patients 75% of U&C for frames, 80% of U&C for lenses, or the regional pricing as indicated in the MetLife VisionAccess Regional Schedule for your region (see above).

Lens Enhancements

  • Polycarbonate: Charge 80% of U&C fees, not to exceed $40.
  • Standard Anti-Reflective Coating (Code QM Only): Charge 80% of U&C fees, not to exceed $45.
  • All other Anti-Reflective Coatings (refer to the Product Index: Charge 80% of U&C fees.
  • Standard Scratch Coating (Factory Applied Only): Charge 80% of U&C fees, not to exceed $15.
  • UV Coating: Charge 80% of U&C fees, not to exceed $15.
  • Standard Progressive (code KA): Charge 80& of U&C fees, not to exceed $55 (only the amount over the base lens-flat top 28)
  • Premium and Custom Progressive (Code JA, FA, NA, OA): Charge 80% of additional U&C cost for the progressive (only the amount over the base lens—flat top 28).
  • Higher Powers: Charge 80% of additional U&C cost for high powers lenses.
  • All Other Lens Enhancements & Features: Charge 80% of U&C fees.

Progressive Lenses

You can use this example to help determine what to bill a patient for a progressive lens. In this example, the practice is located in Arkansas.

Bifocal Base Lens

Bifocal (Flat Top 28) U&C


Deduct 20%($20)


80% of U&C Bifocal Lens fees


Regional price (Arkansas = $60)*


Patient Bifocal Price
(Use the lower fee.)


Progressive Add-On

Premium Progressive U&C


Minus Bifocal U&C (Flat Top 28)


Premium Progressive Add-on Price


Deduct 20%($24)


Patient Premium Progressive Add-on Price


TOTAL Patient Cost

Patient Bifocal price
Plus Patient Progressive add-on price


Total Patient out-of-pocket for Bifocal and Progressive



Please refer to the Lenses section above to determine the bifocal price for your region based on your office location.

Contact Lens Exam Services (Fitting & Evaluation)

  • Charge patient 85% of U&C fee.

Contact Lens Materials

  • Charge patients as usual.

Plano Sunglasses and Blue Light Filtering Glasses

  • Charge 80% of U&C fees.


Lab work can be done on a private invoice basis using any lab, including in-office labs.

Laser Vision Correction

Refer to the Laser VisionCare section of the VSP Manual for information. Coverage mirrors the VSP Laser VisionCareSM Program offered with the VSP Choice Access Program.


Practices should call VSP at 800.615.1883 with any questions.

Please refer patients with questions to MetLife VisionAccess Customer Service at 800.ASK.4MET (800.275.4638).

MetLife VisionAccess is a savings program and not an insured benefit. It is provided through VSP Vision Care, Rancho Cordova, CA. VSP is not affiliated with Metropolitan Life Insurance Company or its affiliates.


Any changes to VSP Choice Access Plan apply to MetLife’s VisionAccess Program.