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Refer to the Using Our Contract Lab System page in the VSP Manual.

Submission Instructions

Online eClaim Submission: Submit orders to any contract lab through eClaim. Include all prescription information. You can choose any lab on the VSP National Contract Lab list.

Paper Claims: Submit your orders to any contract lab on the VSP National Contract Lab list.

Lab Information

The Doctor Service Report on Eyefinity will show the selected lab's contact information for each submitted order. The Lab Packing Slip also shows this information.

First-Time Doctor Redos—Lab Finished Lenses

You may need to remake a patient’s lenses to meet their needs. Refer to First-Time Doctor Redos in the VSP Manual for instructions.

Using Non-Contract Labs

You can only use non-contract labs in emergencies. VSP monitors the use of non-contract labs and they may only be used in the situations below.

Examples of emergencies include:

  • Loss, theft, or breakage of prescription eyewear when your patient doesn’t own an alternate pair and can’t wear contact lenses
  • Situations where your patient can’t function at work or school and doesn’t have another pair of glasses or contact lenses
  • Patients whose safety and well-being will be jeopardized without the immediate delivery of their prescription eyewear

Emergency situations don’t include:

  • Instances where faster turn-around time is requested to accommodate trips, vacations, or other discretionary events
  • Providing faster service when your patient has another functional pair of glasses or contacts


You must document the emergency that requires the use of Non-Contract Labs. Inappropriate use of Non-Contract Labs will result in the denial of services and materials.

To submit a claim when a non-VSP lab is used, select Non-IDC Lab Invoice (Lab 0100) from the pull-down menu in the Lab Selection box on eClaim or write “Non-IDC Lab Invoice (Lab 0100)” in the Special Instructions area of the Materials Invoice. When submitting an emergency claim, please specify the emergency reason. Selecting an emergency reason is for documentation purposes; not selecting a reason does not remove the emergency requirement.

All Lab invoices must be kept for a minimum of seven (7) years. Failure to keep Lab invoices may result in the denial of services and materials.

Lab invoices from an outside private lab must include the following:

  • Patient name
  • Date ordered/date completed
  • Rx
  • Lens enhancements
  • Style and frame type, including make and model

You’ll be responsible for the entire cost of the lab bill and should pay the lab on a private-transaction basis. Don’t charge the patient for covered lens enhancements, you won’t receive a service fee for covered lens enhancements. For all other lens enhancements, charge the patient according to their plan. You won’t receive a chargeback for these lens enhancements. VSP will pay you an established fee of $10.50 for single vision, $23.50 for bifocal/progressive and $33.50 for trifocal, in addition to your regular dispensing fees. Use your bifocal lens-dispensing fee for progressives. Charge your patient according to the appropriate VSP Advantage Lens Enhancements Chart or your adjusted U&C fee (whichever is lower). Don’t balance-bill the patient.

All emergency orders are subject to review. When a claim is found to be incorrect, payments for material services will be reversed.


Always verify orders upon receipt by checking all lab lens enhancement codes.


Uncut lenses can only be processed in the case of an emergency. Submit as a private order. The lab will bill their U&C fees. This should only be done on very rare occasions.