Eligibility & Authorization
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Eligibility & Authorization

Authorizing Coverage and Benefits

Before providing services, make sure your patient is eligible for benefits by retrieving an authorization. At that time, you’ll get information about your patient’s plan, coverage, and current benefit eligibility. You’ll also get a unique authorization number for your patient. Remember: an authorization number doesn’t guarantee payment. Review any comments or notations at the bottom of the Patient Record Report to confirm patient eligibility. Confirmation is required to show that the services and materials provided meet our plan requirements before issuing payment.

Obtain an authorization on eyefinity.com or by calling VSP at 800.615.1883.

For additional information on obtaining an authorization, refer to Eligibility and Authorization page details.


We’ll indicate copays when you obtain authorization.


Don’t waive copays.

Understanding Your Patient’s Coverage

Refer to the Patient Record Report or the Lens Enhancements Charges Report for an explanation of your patient’s coverage.


Before ordering or providing services, tell your patients that they're responsible for payment of non-covered services and materials.