Doctor In-Office Lens Enhancements
You may provide the following lens enhancements in your office:
- Plastic Dyes—Pink I and II (IM)
- Plastic Dyes—Gradients (IP)
- Plastic Dyes—Solid Other Colors (IN)
- UV Protection (IV)
Please refer to Patient Lens Enhancements Explanations for rules related to each lens enhancement.
Refer to the VSP In-Office Finishing Program section for information and requirements regarding finishing Signature or Choice single vision stock lenses in your office.
Covered Lens Enhancements
You’ll be paid the lab fee, plus the service fee, and any tax that applies. Payment will appear under the CO (covered options) column of your statement. For UV protection provided in-office, please note the following:
- UV protection can’t be added to lenses that inherently block UV.
- Applicable ANSI standards must be met.
- Doctor-applied UV protection must block 98-100 percent of UVA/UVB rays.
Other Lens Enhancements
Charge your patient the correct Patient Copay in the VSP Lens Enhancements Chart. We won’t deduct any lab charge backs from your check because you’re providing the lab service for these items. When providing in-office lens enhancements, please note:
- Please carefully inspect any lenses before doing any work on them. If you damage a lens, you’re responsible for replacing it.
- You may provide in-office lens enhancements (plastic dyes and UV protection) only if the lens enhancement is the last step in the fabrication process. For example, anti-reflective coating must be applied after a lens has been tinted. So the entire job, including the tint, will be done by the lab to avoid delays. If the lab must dye or UV-coat the lens, the lab will replace the doctor code(s) with its lab code(s) for payment.
- When a redo is required, you must provide the in-office lens enhancement again, regardless of fault. We also require labs to provide original lab-supplied lens enhancements on first-time redos.
- If the lab order information isn’t completed properly, the lab may do the work and get payment for services. If the lab inadvertently provides services when the order information is completed correctly, you’ll be paid.
- You’re required to remit tax on in-office services, as appropriate.
- These In-office lens enhancements cannot be billed on IOF lenses.
You must tell the lab that you’re supplying in-office lens enhancements.
On eClaim
- Complete the Invoice Services page.
- If supplying a plastic dye, select the appropriate lens enhancement in the Tint Type field:
- If supplying a UV coating, select Doctor Supplied UV Coating in the UV coating field.
The appropriate lab codes will be automatically generated.
- Plastic Dr Supplied—Gradient Color
- Plastic Dr Supplied—Solid (except Pink 1 and 2)
- Plastic Dr Supplied—Solid Pink 1 and 2
On Paper
For appropriate payment, mark the following areas on the Materials Invoice Form:
1. In the Lens Enhancement Code boxes of the Lab Information section, enter the code(s) in the spaces provided:

Only fill in the Lab Information section when you provide an approved in-office service. Please don’t complete any other fields in this section; this space is designed for lab use.
2. Enter “Dr Sup” (Doctor Supplied) in the Special Instructions section to inform the lab you’re providing the specified services. Also specify the lens tint color in the Plastic Dyes section or enter “UV” in the Coatings section for the record.