Hometown Health Plan Integrated Primary EyeCare
Members of Hometown Health Plan’s HMO and PPO are covered under VSP’s Integrated Primary EyeCare ProgramSM. Refer to the Integrated Primary EyeCare Program in the Plans & Coverages section for more information.
Please contact Hometown Health’s Provider Relations department at 775.982.3233 to schedule an in-service to learn more about policies and procedures, obtain information on electronic claims submittal, and check member eligibility status.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) require that Hometown Health (RenownHealth) make available to all providers of healthcare services for their members its Code of Conduct and Compliance Policies. This information can be accessed at https://www.hometownhealth.com/compliance-program/policies-and-procedures/ and should be reviewed annually for the latest updates.
Eligibility & Authorization
For questions about eligibility, paper claims and benefits, check your patient’s ID card for information and the contact phone number. Keep a copy of the ID card in your patient’s file.
Sample ID cards

Referral Process
Patients have direct access to any participating VSP Integrated Primary EyeCare provider. Participating providers are listed on the Hometown Health website at www.hometownhealth.com. Services that are approved will be applied to the members’ medical benefit.
Integrated Primary EyeCare patients can only be referred to another doctor or refused service if the service required is beyond the scope of your licensure.
Hometown Health handles reimbursement and pays claims daily following state and federal regulations. Reimbursement is based on your current VSP contracted rates.
Submitting Claims
Please refer to the patient’s ID card from Hometown Health for directions on submitting claims.
Hometown Health Plan Schedule of Covered Services – Effective January 1, 2022